Cedar Hill Urgent Care GW Health

Turn to Cedar Hill Urgent Care GW Health for convenient medical services. Visit us when you can’t get in to see your doctor and your condition doesn’t require an emergency room (ER) visit.

School physicals and vaccinations: Make a reservation to schedule a school physical for your child. For vaccinations, please call 202-715-4444 for more information.

We are open every day from 8 am – 8 pm.

Cedar Hill Urgent Care GW Health

Turn to Cedar Hill Urgent Care GW Health for convenient medical services. Visit us when you can’t get in to see your doctor and your condition doesn’t require an emergency room (ER) visit.

School physicals and vaccinations: Make a reservation to schedule a school physical for your child. For vaccinations, please call 202-715-4444 for more information.

We are open every day from 8 am – 8 pm.

Count on Cedar Hill Urgent Care GW Health for Treating:


In addition, we offer basic radiology services, such as X-rays and lab testing, including standard bloodwork and urinalysis. We also provide prenatal education and awareness.

Patients are billed through Mid Atlantic Medicine.

Cedar Hill Urgent Care GW Health or ER?

Make the Right Choice


Visit Cedar Hill Urgent Care GW Health for help with:

  • Allergic reactions and asthma
  • Colds and flu
  • Ear infections
  • Falls, minor sprains, broken bones
  • Persistent cough
  • Pink eye
  • Minor cuts, burns, bug bites and animal bites
  • Sinus pressure and sinus infections (headache/pressure, stuffy/runny nose, etc.)
  • Sore throat
  • Urinary tract infections (pain when urinating)


Go to the ER or call 911 for help with:

  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Concussion/confusion
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fever with rash
  • Signs of possible heart attack (chest pain, shortness of breath, etc.)
  • Signs of possible stroke (slurred speech, facial drooping on one side, etc.)
  • Serious burns
  • Severe cuts


Certain medical conditions are simply too serious for urgent care centers and must be treated at a hospital ER.
Call 202-715-4444 to better understand your options.

Our Location

Cedar Hill Urgent Care GW Health
2228 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20020

Hours: Open every day from 8 am – 8 pm.

Our Location

Cedar Hill Urgent Care GW Health
2228 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20020

Hours: Open every day from 8 am – 8 pm.